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Karaoke k písni: Perpetual Twilight - Axenstar

Text Písně - Perpetual Twilight - Axenstar Text Písně - Perpetual Twilight - Axenstar
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Videoklip k Písni - Perpetual Twilight - Axenstar Videoklip k Písni - Perpetual Twilight - Axenstar
Karaoke k Písni - Perpetual Twilight - Axenstar Karaoke k Písni - Perpetual Twilight - Axenstar

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Just as I predicted it would go
We will never see the light again

Is this what all belived in?
Our future has lost it's meaning
And will be put to sleep

Now it all seems so clear
We shouldn't have let our dreams disappear
And the end is so near
Perpetual twilight is here

Now the day we all feared is here
The time has come to she'd your final tears

The sun once so brightly shining
Has lost it's glow - ever dying
Like the rest of mankind

The sky is soon burning and we stand awaiting our fate
No one to save us, our heavenly father awaits
Death from above, reign of terror has come upon you
We are the ones, damned for all time, see what's become of our lives

So now we write the final epitaph
Close your eyes and slip away in time

The strength of our nuclear powers
Destroyed us from now and ever
Now we will find our peace

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