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Karaoke k písni: Die by My Hand - Satyricon

Text Písně - Die by My Hand - Satyricon Text Písně - Die by My Hand - Satyricon
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Karaoke k Písni - Die by My Hand - Satyricon Karaoke k Písni - Die by My Hand - Satyricon

They ride the winds
Avoiding resistance
Choosing not to fight
Wanting to live
To lie another day
Pale figures in life

And so in death...
A painful existence
Wanting so much
Yearning to be
You know you lose
And I'm glad it hurts

Die by my hand
As close as you'll ever get
Die by my hand
Accept defeat and find peace

Die by my hand
As close as you'll ever get
Die by my hand
Accept defeat and find peace

You seek the truth
That you define
Waving the flag
Of the pitiful (kind)
You could never prepare
For my battle cry

Die by my hand
As close as you'll ever get
Die by my hand
Accept defeat and find peace

Další písničky hudební skupiny Satyricon:

Satyricon - My Skin Is Cold
Satyricon - The Sign Of The Trident
Satyricon - Last Man Standing
Satyricon - Den Siste
Satyricon - K.I.N.G.

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Satyricon:

Satyricon - Commando
Satyricon - The Wolfpack
Satyricon - Black Crow On A Tombstone

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