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Hudební skupiny > S > Satyricon > That Darkness Shall Be Eternal

Karaoke k písni: That Darkness Shall Be Eternal - Satyricon

Text Písně - That Darkness Shall Be Eternal - Satyricon Text Písně - That Darkness Shall Be Eternal - Satyricon
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Videoklip k Písni - That Darkness Shall Be Eternal - Satyricon Videoklip k Písni - That Darkness Shall Be Eternal - Satyricon
Karaoke k Písni - That Darkness Shall Be Eternal - Satyricon Karaoke k Písni - That Darkness Shall Be Eternal - Satyricon

They've come into this sphere
With (their) natural born fire
To spread and protect new found truth
No man is man more noble than the cause he fights (for)

From the heavens
From the abyss
From the depths of man
From the mind
From the heart
From the soul

From the mind
From the heart
From the soul

In the day and hour of depression
Fate is on our side
The twilight is soon over
And heads are turned nothwards
Behind the wall of sleep is and always will be

From the heavens
From the abyss
From the depths of man
From the mind
From the heart
From the soul

From the mind
From the heart
From the soul

The will to win and time strength
Holy holy union made in hell
No dark force for you to overcome

From the heavens
From the abyss
From the depths of man

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Satyricon - To The Mountains
Satyricon - Now, Diabolical
Satyricon - Filthgrinder
Satyricon - Dominions Of Satyricon

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Satyricon:

Satyricon - Commando
Satyricon - The Wolfpack
Satyricon - Black Crow On A Tombstone
Satyricon - Die by My Hand
Satyricon - My Skin Is Cold

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