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Hudební skupiny > S > Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body > Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School

Karaoke k písni: Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School - Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body

Text Písně - Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School - Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body Text Písně - Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School - Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body
Překlad Písně - Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School - Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body Překlad Písně - Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School - Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body
Videoklip k Písni - Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School - Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body Videoklip k Písni - Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School - Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body
Karaoke k Písni - Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School - Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body Karaoke k Písni - Dashboard Confessional - Finishing School - Soundtrack - Jennifer's Body

Oh all right dear
Have a nice year
Teach the mean girls
How to be feared
And turn the weak ones
Into servants
You can't be satisfied
You just want what you can't have

Oh no!, not again
The shudders, the shaking
Oh no!, not again
The faint and the faking
Oh no !oh no! love
It's not what you're thinking
I've just had enough at finishing school

Oh all right love
Here's the good stuff
You can have it if you want it
But you want what you can't have

Oh no! not again
The shudders, the shaking
Oh no!, not again
The faint and the faking
Oh no! oh no!, love
It's not what you're thinking
I've just had enough of your finishing school

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