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Karaoke k písni: Bastards And Bitches - Threats

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Finally caught you out and you’ve been livin a real lie
If life is what you make you could at least have tried
We got the wake up call a good few years ago
If you left this place we’d thank you
But you’d turn that into a show
Cos we’re all bastards and bitches
We won’t do what you say
We’re all bastards and bitches

We bit our lips so hard the blood began to show
The grass is always greener so why don’t you just go
Finally caught you out and you’ve been livin a real lie
If life is what you make you could at least have tried

Don’t try to tell us who we are
You never took the time or chance to see
That mask you wear for others sake gets uglier everyday
Your such a state and you’re a fake

Další písničky hudební skupiny Threats:

Threats - Greedy
Threats - No Time For It
Threats - Armchair Anarchist
Threats - B.F.F.

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Threats:

Threats - God Is Not With Us Today
Threats - Rotten

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