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Karaoke k písni: A Cold Day In July - Carrie Underwood

Text Písně - A Cold Day In July - Carrie Underwood Text Písně - A Cold Day In July - Carrie Underwood
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Videoklip k Písni - A Cold Day In July - Carrie Underwood Videoklip k Písni - A Cold Day In July - Carrie Underwood
Karaoke k Písni - A Cold Day In July - Carrie Underwood Karaoke k Písni - A Cold Day In July - Carrie Underwood

The moon is full and my arms are empty
All night long I've pleaded and cried
You always said the day that you would leave me
Would be a cold day in July

Your bags are packed not a word is spoken
I guess we said everything with good-bye
Time moves so slow and promises get broken
On this cold day in July

Sun's comin' up comin' up down on Main Street
Children shout as they're running out to play
Head in my hands here I am
Standing in my bare feet
Watching you drive away
Watching you drive away

You said that we were gonna last forever
You said our love would never die
It looks like spring and
It feels like sunny weather
But it's a cold day in July

On sun's comin' up comin' up
Down on Main Street
Children shout as they're running out to play
Whoa head in my hands
Here I am standing in my bare feet
Watching you drive away
Watching you drive away

The moon is full and my arms are empty
All night long how I've pleaded and cried
You always said the day that
you would leave me,
Would be a cold day in July

Here comes that cold day in July
Oh yeah
la da da la da da la da da
Oh Ooo

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