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Karaoke k písni: This Time - Carrie Underwood

Text Písně - This Time - Carrie Underwood Text Písně - This Time - Carrie Underwood
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Videoklip k Písni - This Time - Carrie Underwood Videoklip k Písni - This Time - Carrie Underwood
Karaoke k Písni - This Time - Carrie Underwood Karaoke k Písni - This Time - Carrie Underwood

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But I wanna tell you
That my heart is busting at the seams, yeah
And I can't wait another minute
Life is short, love is sweet
Ain't no time like this time baby

Maybe it's the way that the night is still
Or the sound of the rain on my windowsill
That's making all the pieces fit
Making it all make perfect sense

But I wanna tell you
That my heart is busting at the seams, yeah
And I can't wait another minute
Life is short, love is sweet
Ain't no time like this time baby

Goes by so fast
Can't get it back
There ain't no time like this time

Yeah I just wanna tell you
That my heart is busting at the seams, yeah
And I can't wait another minute
Life is short, love is sweet
Ain't no time like this time baby

My little baby

Maybe it's the way that the stars are aligned
And there ain't no time
Ain't no time, ain't no time
Ain't no time like this time baby

Oooh, yeah

Maybe it's the way that the night is still
Or the sound of the rain on my windowsill
Yeah, yeah

Další písničky hudební skupiny Carrie Underwood:

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Carrie Underwood - Unapologize
Carrie Underwood - What Can I Say
Carrie Underwood - Play On
Carrie Underwood - Flat On The Floor

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Carrie Underwood:

Carrie Underwood - Alone
Carrie Underwood - A Cold Day In July
Carrie Underwood - Ever Ever After
Carrie Underwood - Cowboy Casanova
Carrie Underwood - Quitter

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