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Karaoke k písni: Crazy Dreams - Carrie Underwood

Text Písně - Crazy Dreams - Carrie Underwood Text Písně - Crazy Dreams - Carrie Underwood
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Videoklip k Písni - Crazy Dreams - Carrie Underwood Videoklip k Písni - Crazy Dreams - Carrie Underwood
Karaoke k Písni - Crazy Dreams - Carrie Underwood Karaoke k Písni - Crazy Dreams - Carrie Underwood

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Hello you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, dashboard drummers
Hello you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom

There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

I stood at the bottom of some walls I thought I couldn't climb
I felt like Cinderella at the ball just running out of time
So I know how it feels to be afraid
Think that it's all gonna slip away
Hold on, hold on

Here's to you free souls, you firefly chasers
Tree climbers, porch swingers, air guitar players
Here's to you fearless dancers, shaking walls in your bedrooms

There's a lot of wonder left inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

Never let a bad day be enough
To go and talk you in to giving up
Sometimes everybody feels like you
Oh, feels like you, just like you

I've met some go-getters
Some difference makers
Small town heroes, and big chance takers
I've met some young hearts with something to prove
Oh, yeah

Here's to you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, and dashboard drummers
Here's to you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom

There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

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Carrie Underwood - Ever Ever After
Carrie Underwood - Cowboy Casanova
Carrie Underwood - Quitter

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