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Karaoke k písni: I - Carrie Underwood

Text Písně - I - Carrie Underwood Text Písně - I - Carrie Underwood
Překlad Písně - I - Carrie Underwood Překlad Písně - I - Carrie Underwood
Videoklip k Písni - I - Carrie Underwood Videoklip k Písni - I - Carrie Underwood
Karaoke k Písni - I - Carrie Underwood Karaoke k Písni - I - Carrie Underwood

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I know you don't mean to be mean to me
'Cause when you want to you can make me feel like we belong
We belong
Lately you make me feel all I am is a back-up plan
I say I'm done and then you smile at me and I forget
Everything I said

I buy into those eyes
And into your lies

You say you'll call, but I know you
You say you're coming home, but I know you
You say you'll call, but I know you won't
You say you'll call, but I know you won't

I wish you were where you're supposed to be
Close to me
But here I am just staring at this candle burning out

And still no sound

Of footsteps on my stairs
Or your voice anywhere

You say you'll call, but I know you
You say you're coming home, but I know you
You say you'll call, but I know you won't
You say you'll call, but I know you won't

You say you'll call, but I know you
You say you're coming home, but I know you
You say you'll call, but I know you won't
You say you'll call, but I know you won't

Další písničky hudební skupiny Carrie Underwood:

Carrie Underwood - Last Name
Carrie Underwood - You Won't Find This
Carrie Underwood - I Told You So
Carrie Underwood - More Boys I Meet
Carrie Underwood - Twisted

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Carrie Underwood:

Carrie Underwood - Alone
Carrie Underwood - A Cold Day In July
Carrie Underwood - Ever Ever After
Carrie Underwood - Cowboy Casanova
Carrie Underwood - Quitter

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