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Karaoke k písni: Comtemplation - Yearning

Text Písně - Comtemplation - Yearning Text Písně - Comtemplation - Yearning
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Karaoke k Písni - Comtemplation - Yearning Karaoke k Písni - Comtemplation - Yearning

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Can you draw a line between self and world
And bear it all
For there's dark and cold but you're colder inside
And torn apart
So you're watching the fall of everything around
With your tired eyes
Mocking the absurd from your withdrawn chamber
Where you've buried alive

Sullen seas of emptiness...

Apparently you're free but still chained to the world
Belied with intensions
Take the poison now, let the world explode
And be reborn from emptiness
The only true insight will come after all is ruined and gone
At the final point where nothing is to be undone

Další písničky hudební skupiny Yearning:

Yearning - Conditio Humana
Yearning - Deathbearer
Yearning - Evershade
Yearning - Nocturne
Yearning - Statues Amidst A Frozen Sand Of Time

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Yearning:

Yearning - A Day When World Started To Weep
Yearning - Aureole

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