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Karaoke k písni: Habits Of Clay - Bad Acid Trip

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To each their own but you should listen to me
Sometimes youve got to fight to be free
But Ill stifle the hope and Ill fight the sorrow
Always seeking unity for a better tomorrow
Its so easy to give up on all of your dreams
To become distracted by all the little things
Before you know it, youve gotten quite old
ItÄşs time to hope that youve got a soul
And if you do you hope that they will see
Not to judge you by all your apathy
Another human afraid to live
Quick to take, reluctant to give
Teaching your hate cuz love harder to give
Its all about me and Ill kill you to live
I keep on fighting these habits of clay
It just gets more painful every day
Feel like you are sinking into a tar pit
You are an infant, reclaim your tit
Apathetic I want more of the same
Getting good at playing this bullshit game
I DonÄşt want to die, it scares me a lot
If god is a lie, am I going to rot?
Another human who afraid to live
Always quick to take, but reluctant to give
Teaching your hate cuz love harder to give
Its all about me and Ill kill you to live

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Bad Acid Trip - What's Ah Matter
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Bad Acid Trip - Beef Moo
Bad Acid Trip - Beware Of The Little People With Terrible Visions
Bad Acid Trip - Cigarette Pack
Bad Acid Trip - Constructing Love
Bad Acid Trip - Dig Up Your Dead

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