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Hudební skupiny > B > Bad Acid Trip > Jump Rope (Spray Water)

Karaoke k písni: Jump Rope (Spray Water) - Bad Acid Trip

Text Písně - Jump Rope (Spray Water) - Bad Acid Trip Text Písně - Jump Rope (Spray Water) - Bad Acid Trip
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Videoklip k Písni - Jump Rope (Spray Water) - Bad Acid Trip Videoklip k Písni - Jump Rope (Spray Water) - Bad Acid Trip
Karaoke k Písni - Jump Rope (Spray Water) - Bad Acid Trip Karaoke k Písni - Jump Rope (Spray Water) - Bad Acid Trip

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Alright LA Sports Arena, are you ready to rock? Then lets go!
Hello all you little fans. Hello all you little kids
Hello all you little dupes. My children
Hello all you little fans. Hello all you little consumers
Before you see the band thereÄşs something that you must always remember to do
Check your wallet, check your funds, and make sure youve got enough cash
Cuz its not about expression and its not about art
Its all about make those big dollars
Watching puppets...
Always remember to buy please (x3)
Remember to buy
Before you see the band thereÄşs something that you must always remember to do
Check your wallet, check your funds, make sure youÄşve got enough cash
Its not about expression and its not about art
Its all about making those big dollars
You dont care about what we say. You care less about how we play
All you care about is how you feel
Another anthem for you when you murder and cheat, lie and steal
Screaming cuz we are fucking pissed
Weve got a lot to say. Talking gets us nowhere
Gonna try another way and keep on fighting until you hear what we say
Lets go to the mall so that we can shop at Hot Topic
Practice our moshing and maybe some spinning kicks
Its written on a patch right next to the one that says A fuck the system
Anarchy through hair dye, Punk rockÄşs just a fashion rebellion
You donÄşt care about what we say. You care less about how we play
All you care about is how you feel
Another anthem for you for when you murder and cheat, lie and steal
Screaming cuz we are fucking pissed. Weve got a lot to fucking say
Talking gets us nowhere
Gonna try another way and keep on fighting until you hear what we say
WeÄşre the puppets, were the puppets, we are the puppets, Playing jumprope
We are the puppets, were the puppets, we are the puppets...Spraying water.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Bad Acid Trip:

Bad Acid Trip - Zombie Nation
Bad Acid Trip - Kill Or Be Killed
Bad Acid Trip - P.C.
Bad Acid Trip - Real Animals
Bad Acid Trip - Remeber

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Bad Acid Trip:

Bad Acid Trip - Beef Moo
Bad Acid Trip - Beware Of The Little People With Terrible Visions
Bad Acid Trip - Cigarette Pack
Bad Acid Trip - Constructing Love
Bad Acid Trip - Dig Up Your Dead

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