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Hudební skupiny > B > Bad Acid Trip > P.C.

Karaoke k písni: P.C. - Bad Acid Trip

Text Písně - P.C. - Bad Acid Trip Text Písně - P.C. - Bad Acid Trip
Překlad Písně - P.C. - Bad Acid Trip Překlad Písně - P.C. - Bad Acid Trip
Videoklip k Písni - P.C. - Bad Acid Trip Videoklip k Písni - P.C. - Bad Acid Trip
Karaoke k Písni - P.C. - Bad Acid Trip Karaoke k Písni - P.C. - Bad Acid Trip

Video ještě nebylo přidáno.

Theres too much judging
And I cant hang
But I 'm a hypocrite cuz I constantly complain
Political correctness makes me sick
They took a good idea and twisted it
Bandwagon prophets are what you see
Another fucking program for MTV
Political correctness makes me sick
They took a good idea and twisted it

(Lounge Part Baby)

Theres too much judging
And I cant hang
But I 'm a hypocrite cuz I constantly complain
Political correctness makes me sick
They took a good idea and twisted it
Bandwagon prophets are what you see
Another fucking program for MTV

Další písničky hudební skupiny Bad Acid Trip:

Bad Acid Trip - Real Animals
Bad Acid Trip - Remeber
Bad Acid Trip - Remember
Bad Acid Trip - Slave Away
Bad Acid Trip - Strange Humans

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Bad Acid Trip:

Bad Acid Trip - Beef Moo
Bad Acid Trip - Beware Of The Little People With Terrible Visions
Bad Acid Trip - Cigarette Pack
Bad Acid Trip - Constructing Love
Bad Acid Trip - Dig Up Your Dead

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