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Hudební skupiny > B > Bad Acid Trip > When You Go Madd

Karaoke k písni: When You Go Madd - Bad Acid Trip

Text Písně - When You Go Madd - Bad Acid Trip Text Písně - When You Go Madd - Bad Acid Trip
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A wire in my mind has finally snapped
No longer am I held to binding rules
Driven insane by the actions of animal man
Too much becomes nothing for me to see
Please remove the bugs crawling on my body
Tell the voices to stop screaming in my ear
At night I run through the park naked
Because the moon likes fucking my bod
I make mud pies with my own shit
And then throw them at politicians passing by
Carry me away to the cheers from all around
Electric shock for the brain of mr. clown
Lock me up because I'm ill
Keep me that way cause it pays the bills
A burden to all I live in shame
Left to rot by the very same game
I tell my eyes the walls aren't really bleeding
Pleasuring myself in a rubber room
Talk to the aliens hovering near the ceiling
Cry to sleep 'cause I know the worlds' gonna end
Bruce Lee lives in the la brea tar pits
Just ask the taylor all about the dragon
I see shrimp around but there's no plates
Fly away some day but feathers never seem to grow
I eat black gum from the window cill
In the mash potatoes they hide the pill
I see the eels swimming in the air
Analyze the white walls with a blank stare
Force feed myself my bedsore scabs
Jesus crawls on the floor just like the crabs
Finally freed myself, vision starts to blur
They're to busy laughing to find the cure

Další písničky hudební skupiny Bad Acid Trip:

Bad Acid Trip - Zombie Nation

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Bad Acid Trip:

Bad Acid Trip - Beef Moo
Bad Acid Trip - Beware Of The Little People With Terrible Visions
Bad Acid Trip - Cigarette Pack
Bad Acid Trip - Constructing Love
Bad Acid Trip - Dig Up Your Dead

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