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Hudební skupiny > B > Bad Acid Trip > Zombie Nation

Karaoke k písni: Zombie Nation - Bad Acid Trip

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A chemical weapon has been released now well never rest in peace
Hunted and gutted for a weapon of death,
clutching the bombs you draw your last breath
The greedy homeless are picking at the locks,
and soon infectious gas is swirling around
Burning the skin of the living, transformed weÄşre the living dead
Poisoned the earth and poisoned the sky
Clouds of death cause hundreds to die
Zombie Nation - rotting corpses roam the streets
Zombie Nation - where the dead no longer sleep
Zombie Nation - witness to this gruesome scene
Zombie Nation - cant pretend itÄşs only a dream
The greedy homeless are picking at the locks,
and soon infectious gas is swirling around
Burning the skin of the living, transformed weÄşre the living dead
Poisoned the earth and poisoned the sky, clouds of death cause hundreds to die
But some will rise and return to feed, preying on the living with murderous greed
Zombie Nation - ghouls feeding on the screaming
Zombie Nation - dearly departed on the grieving
Zombie Nation - Hideous creatures all around pulling themselves out of the fucking ground
Zombies - walking bags of rotted meat
Zombies - think your flesh is quite a treat
Zombies - created for power gains
Zombies - another weapon itÄşs all the same
Zombies - grisly armies of the night
Zombies - devouring the country side
Zombies - more and more at the gates
Zombies - mankind has sealed his fucking fate
A suicide mission from the start
Now youve returned without a beating heart
Feel your body start to change
Give the weapon back to the deranged

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