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Hudební skupiny > B > Bad Religion > Bored And Extremely Dangerous

Karaoke k písni: Bored And Extremely Dangerous - Bad Religion

Text Písně - Bored And Extremely Dangerous - Bad Religion Text Písně - Bored And Extremely Dangerous - Bad Religion
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Karaoke k Písni - Bored And Extremely Dangerous - Bad Religion Karaoke k Písni - Bored And Extremely Dangerous - Bad Religion

With nothing better to do
No one to come home to
I woefully conclude
To take it out on you
I'm bored to the extreme
This world of foolish dreams
I am not who I seem to be
Yeah sure I might do harm
and bear my right to arm
If only someone would listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me

A room an empty shelf
A book on mental health
I look for inner wealth
A punish in myself
I'm bored to the extreme
This world of foolish dreams
I am not who I seem to be
Yeah sure I might do harm
And bare my right to arm
If only someone would listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me

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