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Hudební skupiny > B > Bad Religion > I Give You Nothing (Tom Clement...)

Karaoke k písni: I Give You Nothing (Tom Clement...) - Bad Religion

Text Písně - I Give You Nothing (Tom Clement...) - Bad Religion Text Písně - I Give You Nothing (Tom Clement...) - Bad Religion
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Videoklip k Písni - I Give You Nothing (Tom Clement...) - Bad Religion Videoklip k Písni - I Give You Nothing (Tom Clement...) - Bad Religion
Karaoke k Písni - I Give You Nothing (Tom Clement...) - Bad Religion Karaoke k Písni - I Give You Nothing (Tom Clement...) - Bad Religion

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Hey, everybody's looking but they never can see,
All the angst, corruption and the dishonesty.
Think about the times and places you've never known,
You're a man-swarm atom and yet you're alone,
So I give you me, I give you nothing!
I give you me, I give you nothing!
So you got a place that you can call all your own,
But you make a habit of carrying the stone.
Look around and ask someone if you are alive,
You're a sidewalk cipher speaking prionic jive,
So I give you me, I give you nothing!
I give you me, I give you nothing!
Respectable, despicable, it seems all the same.
Now we realize that we have nothing to say.
If your reserve is weak, audacity complete.
Ask yourself again, "Do I deserve much from them?" No!
Hey, everybody's looking but they never can see,
All the angst, corruption and the dishonesty.
Look around and ask someone if you are alive,
You're a sidewalk cipher speaking prionic jive,
So I give you me, I give you nothing!
I said I give you me, I give you nothing!

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