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Hudební skupiny > B > Bad boys blue > Heaven or hell

Karaoke k písni: Heaven or hell - Bad boys blue

Text Písně - Heaven or hell - Bad boys blue Text Písně - Heaven or hell - Bad boys blue
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Videoklip k Písni - Heaven or hell - Bad boys blue Videoklip k Písni - Heaven or hell - Bad boys blue
Karaoke k Písni - Heaven or hell - Bad boys blue Karaoke k Písni - Heaven or hell - Bad boys blue

You know the streets are littered with lies.
The truth is burning holes in your eyes.
But you played the cards as they fell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.
It's Heaven or Hell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.

Well, everytime you touch - too much for my heart.
It's beating too fast, make it last, never part.
Make it, take it, I never will fake it.
My heart's in your hand, in the end never break it.
You, always true, I fell for you.
And the fever of belief came out of the blue.
It's right tonight, we have to decide.
Shall we whisper or yell: it's Heaven or Hell?

You know the streets are littered with lies.
The truth is burning holes in your eyes.
But you played the cards as they fell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.
It's Heaven or Hell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.

So, you're here, so near, I can still feel the fear.
I lose what I choose at the falling of a tear.
You're so close to my soul, take control over me.
The passion of obsession made me cry helplessly.
In the night you can't hide from the feeling inside.
Forever together, we'll go for a ride.
To endless darkness or everlasting light.
Your heart will tell, is it Heaven or Hell?

You know the streets are littered with lies.
The truth is burning holes in your eyes.
But you played the cards as they fell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.
It's Heaven or Hell.
It's up to you - it's Heaven or Hell.

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Bad boys blue - You´re Woman
Bad boys blue - Lady In Black
Bad boys blue - A Train To Nowhere
Bad boys blue - A World Without You ( Michelle)

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Bad boys blue:

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