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Hudební skupiny > B > Badly Drawn Boy > The Shining

Karaoke k písni: The Shining - Badly Drawn Boy

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Karaoke k Písni - The Shining - Badly Drawn Boy Karaoke k Písni - The Shining - Badly Drawn Boy

Faith pours from your walls, drowning your calls
I´ve tried to hear, you´re not near
Remembering when I saw your face
Shining my way, pure timing
Now I´ve fallen in deep, slow silent sleep
It´s killing me, I´m dying

To put a little bit of sunshine in your life

Soleil all over you, warm sun pours over me
Soleil all over you
Warm sun

Now this slick fallen rift came like a gift
Your body moves ever nearer
And you will dry this tear
Now that we´re here, and grieve for me, not history
But now I´m dry of thoughts, wait for the rain
Then it´s replaced, sun setting

And suddenly you´re in love with everything

Soleil all over you, warm sun pours over me
Soleil all over you
Warm sun

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Badly Drawn Boy - Something To Talk About
Badly Drawn Boy - The Shining
Badly Drawn Boy - Something To Talk About

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