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Karaoke k písni: La La Land - Demi Lovato

Text Písně - La La Land - Demi Lovato Text Písně - La La Land - Demi Lovato
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Karaoke k Písni - La La Land - Demi Lovato Karaoke k Písni - La La Land - Demi Lovato

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I am confident, but
I still have my moments.
Baby, that's just me.

I'm not a supermodel
I still eat McDonalds.
Baby, that's just me.

Well, some may say I need to be afraid
of losing everything.
Because of where I
had my start and,
where I made my name.
But everything's the same
In a La la land machine.

Who said I can't wear my
Converse with my dress?
Oh, Baby, That's just me!

And Who said I can't be single
I have to go out and mingle
babyyyy, That's not me.
No, no.

Well, some may say I need to be afraid
of losing everything.
Because of where I
had my start and, where I made my name
But everything's the same
In the La la land

Tell me do you feel the way I feel
Cuz nothing else is real
in the la-la land appeal.

Some may say I need to be afraid
of losing everything.
Because of where I
had my start and, where I made my name
When everything's the same
In La la land machine
Well, I'm not gonna change
In a La la land machine
Well I will stay the same
In La la land...


I won't change anything of my life
(I won't change anything of my life)
I'm staying myself tonight
(I'm staying myself tonight)

la la la la laaaa....

Další písničky hudební skupiny Demi Lovato:

Demi Lovato - Don´t Forget
Demi Lovato - Believe In Me
Demi Lovato - On The Line
Demi Lovato - Moves Me
Demi Lovato - Party

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Demi Lovato:

Demi Lovato - This Is Me
Demi Lovato - Get Back
Demi Lovato - Two Worlds Collide

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