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Karaoke k písni: Behind Enemy Lines - Demi Lovato

Text Písně - Behind Enemy Lines - Demi Lovato Text Písně - Behind Enemy Lines - Demi Lovato
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Karaoke k Písni - Behind Enemy Lines - Demi Lovato Karaoke k Písni - Behind Enemy Lines - Demi Lovato

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And I feel, I feel a deep connection,
And I think, that we might be onto something, no
And I know it's something special,
Seeing you here, is not coincidental, mhh

Well, i've been walkin, walkin, behind enemy lines,
And I've been fighting, fighting, from the other side,
I've been saying, saying, I won't fall this time,
But now I'm walkin, walkin, within enemy lines.

See, I was trying to be everything you weren't expecting,
All I ever wanted was to try and keep you guessing,
Now I'm falling way too fast,
I just want this love to last, forever,
Everytime i feel this way,
Oh something's changed for the better

And I've been walkin, walkin, behind enemy lines,
And I've been fightin, fighting, from the other side,
And I've been saying, saying, I won't fall this time,
Now I'm walkin, walkin, within enemy lines

And now I'm walkin, walkin, behind enemy lines,
And now i'm fightin, fighting, from the other side,
And I've been saying, saying, I won't fall this time,
Now I'm walkin, walkin, within enemy lines

No copyright infringement intended. All right belong to their original owners. I do not own anything.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Demi Lovato:

Demi Lovato - One and the same
Demi Lovato - WHO WILL I BE
Demi Lovato - So far, so great
Demi Lovato - Back Around
Demi Lovato - Shadow

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Demi Lovato:

Demi Lovato - This Is Me
Demi Lovato - Get Back
Demi Lovato - Two Worlds Collide
Demi Lovato - La La Land
Demi Lovato - Don´t Forget

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