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Karaoke k písni: River Of No Return - Bruce Dickinson

Text Písně - River Of No Return - Bruce Dickinson Text Písně - River Of No Return - Bruce Dickinson
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Videoklip k Písni - River Of No Return - Bruce Dickinson Videoklip k Písni - River Of No Return - Bruce Dickinson
Karaoke k Písni - River Of No Return - Bruce Dickinson Karaoke k Písni - River Of No Return - Bruce Dickinson

Break the bread and drink the wine
Seize the challace suck the poison vine
There is frost in every sunbeam? water flows from the earth to sky
Looking down on every rose nothing moves the wheal of heaven turns
As our fingers leave there trace, we are gods and the world returns ,up rise?.

Now we're lost you can’t desguise, the river of no return
Now its time you realise, the river of no return

Growing embers of our anchient lives
We struggle hard we live to turn the tide
Living longer in the ‘astro-wast’
We stare each other, we looked death in the face
All my life in front of you, lonely secrets hidden from your view.
Now we obit a different sun, for eternity ,doomed to tell no one..

Now we're lost you can’t desguise, the river of no return
Now its time you realise, the river of no return


Now and truly all alone,
Canyon walls and the river of no return
Im amazed at what i am,
I’ve never knew the feelings I’ve ignored

Now we're lost you can’t desguise, the river of no return
Now its time we realise, the river of no return
And the anguish drives me on ,I wish i could return
All alone and washed away to the river of no return

Další písničky hudební skupiny Bruce Dickinson:

Bruce Dickinson - Power Of The Sun
Bruce Dickinson - Devil On A Hog
Bruce Dickinson - Believil
Bruce Dickinson - A Tyranny Of Souls
Bruce Dickinson - Trumpets Of Jericho

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Bruce Dickinson:

Bruce Dickinson - Tears of the Dragon
Bruce Dickinson - Mars Within (Intro)
Bruce Dickinson - Mars Within (Intro)
Bruce Dickinson - Abduction
Bruce Dickinson - Soul Intruders

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