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Karaoke k písni: Trumpets Of Jericho - Bruce Dickinson

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[Bruce Dickinson / Roy Z.]

This is the maze of life
This is the maze of death
This is the matrix of eternity

The demon never sleeps
The demon never lies
He beats my heart and leaves no echo

What heavy burden holds me back
Every step along the track?
Fear that reaches deep inside of me

At the trumpets of Jericho

Still the walls remain

At the trumpets of Jericho

Avalon's in chains
This is the river of space
This is the river of time
Chase the dragons of infinity

Atlas stands and laughs
Throws his burden down
Rolls the earth in the inferno

Fingers holding onto cracks
The howling wind that blows us back
Sucked into the grinding wheels of hell

At the trumpets of Jericho

Still the walls remain

Blow the trumpets of Jericho

Still the walls remain

At the end of the rainbow

There the grail remains

Sound the trumpets of Jericho

Avalon's in chains
As they drag you down
In your clothes of lead
See the golden light
Flashing overhead
Mocking you

Do you know who you are
In your robes of skin?
How many creatures live inside you?

Man is born forever free
But is everywhere in chains
Trapped inside this earthly prison cell

At the trumpets of Jericho

Still the walls remain

At the trumpets of Jericho

Avalon's in chains

At the trumpets of Jericho

There the grail remains

At the trumpets of Jericho

Still the walls remain

Still the walls remain

Still the walls remain

Still the walls remain

The silence of the tomb

The wheel of fortune round

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