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Karaoke k písni: Return Of The King - Bruce Dickinson

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Return Of The King Bruce Dickinson lyrics
Artist: Bruce Dickinson
Album: Chemical Wedding
Year: 1998
Title: Return Of The King Print

[Japan-only bonus track]
[Bruce Dickinson / Adrian Smith]

A 100 years of toil and pain
To pull a stone upright again
Uproot from its mountain home
Taken to this sacred circle

Is there a secret in the stone?
A message in the hills
Is there a secret in the stones?
A message long ago

I know the king will come again

From the shadow to the sun

Burning hillsides from the beltane fires

I know the king will come again

When all that glitters turn to rust

Uther pendragon standing fast beside you
The sun the moon we worshipped here
A calendar of fear
Gazing across the channel sea
To see the beacons burning brightly

Is that a shadow on the hill?
Or a phantom in the mere
What is the meaning of these stones?
Why do they stand alone?

I know the king will come again

From the shadow to the sun

Burning hillsides with the beltane fires

I know the king will come again

When all that glitters turn to rust

Uther pendragon standing fast beside you
Is that a shadow on the hill?
Or a phantom in the mere
What is the meaning of these stones?
Why do they stand alone?

I know the king will come again

From the shadow to the sun

Burning hillsides with the beltane fires

I know the king will come again

When all that glitters turn to rust

Uther pendragon standing fast beside you
I know the king will come again
I know the king will come again

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Bruce Dickinson - Abduction
Bruce Dickinson - Soul Intruders

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