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Karaoke k písni: Man Of Sorrows - Bruce Dickinson

Text Písně - Man Of Sorrows - Bruce Dickinson Text Písně - Man Of Sorrows - Bruce Dickinson
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Videoklip k Písni - Man Of Sorrows - Bruce Dickinson Videoklip k Písni - Man Of Sorrows - Bruce Dickinson
Karaoke k Písni - Man Of Sorrows - Bruce Dickinson Karaoke k Písni - Man Of Sorrows - Bruce Dickinson

Here in a church, a small boy is kneeling
He prays to a god, he does not know, he cannot feel
All of his sins of childhood he will remember
He will not cry, tears he will not cry

Man of sorrows, I won't see your face
Man of sorrows, you left without a trace
A small boy wonders, what was it all about?
Is your journey over - has it just begun?

A vision of a new world, from the ashes of the old
"Do what thou wilt!", he screams from his cursed soul
A tortured seer, a prophet of our emptiness
Wondering why, wondering why...

Man of sorrows, I won't see your face
Man of sorrows, you left without a trace
A small boy wonders, what was it all about?
Is your journey over - has it just begun?

A man of sorrows racked, with thoughts that dare not
speak their name
trapped inside a body, made to feel only guilt and shame
His anger all his life -"I hate myself!", he cried
"Do what thou wilt! - do what thou wilt!", he cried

Man of sorrows, I won't see your face
Man of sorrows, you left without a trace
A small boy wonders, what was it all about?
Is your journey over - has it just begun?

Man of sorrows, I won't see your face
Man of sorrows, you left without a trace
A small boy wonders, what was it all about?
Is your journey over - has it just begun?

Další písničky hudební skupiny Bruce Dickinson:

Bruce Dickinson - Accident Of Birth
Bruce Dickinson - The Magician
Bruce Dickinson - Welcome To The Pit
Bruce Dickinson - The Ghost Of Cain
Bruce Dickinson - Omega

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Bruce Dickinson:

Bruce Dickinson - Tears of the Dragon
Bruce Dickinson - Mars Within (Intro)
Bruce Dickinson - Mars Within (Intro)
Bruce Dickinson - Abduction
Bruce Dickinson - Soul Intruders

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