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Karaoke k písni: No Lies - Bruce Dickinson

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No lies, no angels
No lies, no angels
No lies, no angels
No lies, no angels
No heaven, no heaven
No lies…

No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven

Waiting on a corner of a red light street
Where the dealers and the junkies and the graveyards meet
By the light of a street light moon
If you hang 'round here babe, you're leaving soon
On the run from a country from the law
Well here's a safe place behind every front door
Wanna wander where the guide book doesn't go
Watching the windows, part of the sideshow

No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven

Where the money men's wallets bleed
Where the fat cat sinners fill their needs
Where the vicar goes for his sin
Where the stick up artist gets stuck in
Look around here it's no big deal
For an ounce of pleasure or a five minute feel
Riding side-saddle on a rented machine
Hang on loosely, part of the scene

No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven

No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven
No lies, no angels, no heaven

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