Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Disturbed > Rise

Karaoke k písni: Rise - Disturbed

Text Písně - Rise - Disturbed Text Písně - Rise - Disturbed
Překlad Písně - Rise - Disturbed Překlad Písně - Rise - Disturbed
Videoklip k Písni - Rise - Disturbed Videoklip k Písni - Rise - Disturbed
Karaoke k Písni - Rise - Disturbed Karaoke k Písni - Rise - Disturbed

Throw away
The charade of your life
Let the flame of my heart
Burn away
Your complacence tonight
I command you to rise
Wash away
The decay of your life
Feel the light of your eyes
Find the way
Through the darkness tonight
Fearing no one

Do you really think I covet like you do?

Come, take me away
Remove the fear from my eyes
Feel the flame of my heart
Burning away
All conversation tonight
Hearing no one

Am I precious to you now?
Am I precious to you now?

Now rise
Turn away
From the shame of your life
Feel the light from my eyes
Consolation tonight
Fearing no one

Do you really think I want it like you do?


Am I precious to you now?
Am I precious to you now?

Fearing no one
Saviors of my soul

Am I precious to you now?
Am I precious to you now?

Now, I cannot stop this
Pure emotion
falling from my eyes
You are vindicating
Saviors of my soul

Další písničky hudební skupiny Disturbed:

Disturbed - Mistress
Disturbed - Breathe
Disturbed - Bound
Disturbed - Devour
Disturbed - Darkness

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Disturbed:

Disturbed - Inside The Fire
Disturbed - Indestructible
Disturbed - Inside the fire
Disturbed - Deceiver
Disturbed - The Night

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