Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Disturbed > New Disease

Karaoke k písni: New Disease - Disturbed

Text Písně - New Disease - Disturbed Text Písně - New Disease - Disturbed
Překlad Písně - New Disease - Disturbed Překlad Písně - New Disease - Disturbed
Videoklip k Písni - New Disease - Disturbed Videoklip k Písni - New Disease - Disturbed
Karaoke k Písni - New Disease - Disturbed Karaoke k Písni - New Disease - Disturbed

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Now,I can take this
Everything I know
Realized that I´m nothing I wanted to be
I can never change
Anything I´ve done
Because it´s the only thing I have left

Blame myself again
For what I didn´t do
Never really knew it was coming from me
Change the way I felt
The worst is yet to come
Because I have gone too far now

Change my mind
And it leads me to a new disease

Let it die
But it still becomes a new disease


Is this all worth what
This has done to me
Water down my senses and turn them on me
fuck morality
And everything I know
If I didn´t hate this then I couldn´t go
Impersonate myself for what I used to be
Denial is all that´s left now

Change my mind
And it leads you to a new disease

Let it die
But it still becomes a new disease

Change my mind
And it leads me to a new disease

Let it die
But it still becomes a new disease

Dreaming in my head
I´m suffering instead
I can´t remember why this meant so much to me

No! Did I ever want it?
And I coulda been
And I woulda been

No! Did I ever want it?
And I coulda been
And I woulda been

Conceiving in my head
I´m suffering instead
I can´t remember why
This meant so much to me

Change my mind
And it leads you to a new disease

Let it die
But it still becomes a new disease

Change my mind
And it leads you to a new disease

Let it die
But it still becomes a new disease

But it still becomes a new disease

But it still becomes a new disease

Další písničky hudební skupiny Disturbed:

Disturbed - This Moment
Disturbed - 10,000 Fists
Disturbed - Avarice
Disturbed - Decadance
Disturbed - Deify

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Disturbed:

Disturbed - Inside The Fire
Disturbed - Indestructible
Disturbed - Inside the fire
Disturbed - Deceiver
Disturbed - The Night

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