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Hudební skupiny > E > Edguy > Holy Water

Karaoke k písni: Holy Water - Edguy

Text Písně - Holy Water - Edguy Text Písně - Holy Water - Edguy
Překlad Písně - Holy Water - Edguy Překlad Písně - Holy Water - Edguy
Videoklip k Písni - Holy Water - Edguy Videoklip k Písni - Holy Water - Edguy
Karaoke k Písni - Holy Water - Edguy Karaoke k Písni - Holy Water - Edguy

Waiting all the time to erase it from my mind
I feel like I've been left behind, my heart is frozen
Pushed to rush and fall and again I'm gonna crawl
Is there really no return from the life been chosen

You wanted more from me than I could ever be

Rains is falling, pouring down on me
Holy water to ease my pain, purify me
Rain is falling, pouring down on me
Holy water to ease my pain

I'm driving down my way to digest yesterday
Under rain clouds towards the sundown to be devoured
And then come out alive
Dripping wet but purified
Ready to beard the memories of golden hours

No, there's nothing else than we can do
We gotta walk on through

Rain is falling, pouring down on me...

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