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Karaoke k písni: Headless Game - Edguy

Text Písně - Headless Game - Edguy Text Písně - Headless Game - Edguy
Překlad Písně - Headless Game - Edguy Překlad Písně - Headless Game - Edguy
Videoklip k Písni - Headless Game - Edguy Videoklip k Písni - Headless Game - Edguy
Karaoke k Písni - Headless Game - Edguy Karaoke k Písni - Headless Game - Edguy

Longing for silence...
"Always faster" is the way that we go.
Not a little patience...
Higher, farer, better we grow.
The beast is rising. It?s tantalizing
those who are taking the time.
Alienation... A revelation...
Straight to the end of the line...

Fly! Riding away... Rising today...
No we don't play your headless game!
We are alive, don't say goodbye.
Fly! Riding away... Rising today...
No we don't play your headless game!
We are alive, don?t say goodbye.

Cast out from Eden...
You don't like what we are in your eyes.
We're leading the treason on the race you run,
the way of your life.

I am danger, I'm a stranger
cause I don't give in to your call.
And not until she is satisfied
we can come and explode and we fall!!!

We're blowing the frame of your headless game:
We don't follow!

(...In their eyes we are insane! But aren't daydreamers only the escapists of
a soulless view of life?...)

Další písničky hudební skupiny Edguy:

Edguy - Land Of The Miracle
Edguy - Wake Up King
Edguy - Falling Down
Edguy - Arrows Fly
Edguy - Holy Shadows

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Edguy:

Edguy - Matrix.
Edguy - DVD trailer!
Edguy - Ministry Of Saints
Edguy - Sex Fire Religion
Edguy - The Pride Of Creation

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