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Hudební skupiny > E > Erasure > Golden Heart

Karaoke k písni: Golden Heart - Erasure

Text Písně - Golden Heart - Erasure Text Písně - Golden Heart - Erasure
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Karaoke k Písni - Golden Heart - Erasure Karaoke k Písni - Golden Heart - Erasure

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Like a bubble that's floating
On high above
I won't break down
I won't cry
But the colours are melting
I am fragile

I've been acting so coldly
And hope some day
That you will forgive me

You are the one
That knows me for who I really am
It'll all be gone in the morning
We are lucky
Owe it all to fortune

Golden heart
Tears of love
Will glow

There's a light at
The end of the tunnel
I am crawling slowly
I am small

What's been up with me lately?
Hardly know me
Who's that in the mirror?

You are the one
That knows my moods of joy and anger
You've been coping and lonely
We are lucky
Owe it all to fortune

Golden heart
Tears of love
Will glow

Golden heart
Tears of love
Will glow

Golden heart
Tears of love
Will glow

Další písničky hudební skupiny Erasure:

Erasure - Gone Crazy
Erasure - Grace
Erasure - Goodnight
Erasure - Hallowed Ground
Erasure - Heart Of Glass

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Erasure:

Erasure - Oh! L'amour
Erasure - 2000 Miles
Erasure - A Little Respect
Erasure - A Long Goodbye
Erasure - Alien

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