Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > G > Gorillaz > Ghost Train

Karaoke k písni: Ghost Train - Gorillaz

Text Písně - Ghost Train - Gorillaz Text Písně - Ghost Train - Gorillaz
Překlad Písně - Ghost Train - Gorillaz Překlad Písně - Ghost Train - Gorillaz
Videoklip k Písni - Ghost Train - Gorillaz Videoklip k Písni - Ghost Train - Gorillaz
Karaoke k Písni - Ghost Train - Gorillaz Karaoke k Písni - Ghost Train - Gorillaz

Here they come to steal my soul
Ghost train
Wait it out until I know
Ghost train
Trying not to feel like...
Ghost train
Moving up until I go go
Ghost train
She was not...
Ghost train
Trying to hear in my heart
Ghost train
Trying not to feel like...
Ghost train
Moving up until I'm taught to your side
Ghost train

Yeah yeah yeah
Ghost train

Got suicide for my baby
Ghost train
Living up until I'm...
Ghost train
Seeing like I'm...
Ghost train
Moving up and taught I'm a weapon
Ghost train
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ghost train
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ghost train
I see myself pretend how to get there
Ghost train
... down a poisoned ...
Ghost train

Come on come on come on!
Ghost train!
Come on come on come on!
Ghost train train train

Got suicide for my baby
Ghost train
Living up until I...
Ghost train
Seeing like I'm...
Ghost train
Moving up and taught I'm a weapon
Ghost train
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ghost train
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ghost train
I see myself pretend how to get there
Ghost train
... down a poisoned ...
Ghost train

(middle bit...)

Come on come on come on!
Ghost train!
Come on come on come on!
Ghost train!

Další písničky hudební skupiny Gorillaz:

Gorillaz - Hip Albatross
Gorillaz - Rock It
Gorillaz - Dare
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc
Gorillaz - All Alone

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Gorillaz:

Gorillaz - 12d3
Gorillaz - Faust

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