Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > G > Gorillaz > 19-2000

Karaoke k písni: 19-2000 - Gorillaz

Text Písně - 19-2000 - Gorillaz Text Písně - 19-2000 - Gorillaz
Překlad Písně - 19-2000 - Gorillaz Překlad Písně - 19-2000 - Gorillaz
Videoklip k Písni - 19-2000 - Gorillaz Videoklip k Písni - 19-2000 - Gorillaz
Karaoke k Písni - 19-2000 - Gorillaz Karaoke k Písni - 19-2000 - Gorillaz

the world is spinning too fast
i'am buying lead Nike shoes
to keep myself tethered
to the days i try to lose

my mama said to slow down
you should make your shoes
stop dancing to the music
of gorillaz in a happy mood

there you go!

get the cool!
get the cool shoeshine!
get the cool
get the cool shoeshine!
get the cool
get the cool shoeshine!
get the cool
get the shoeshine!

there's monkey in the jungle
watching a vapour trail
caugh up in the conflict
between his brain and his tail

and if time's elimination
then we got nothing to lose
please repeat the message
it's the music that we choose

keep a mild groove on!

ba ba ba
day dee bop

OK bring it down yeah we gonna break out!
get the cool
get the cool shoeshine
get the cool
get the cool shoeshine
get the cool
get the cool shoeshine
get the cool
get the cool shoeshine

ah ah ah ah

day dee the bop

Další písničky hudební skupiny Gorillaz:

Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
Gorillaz - 5/4
Gorillaz - Man Research
Gorillaz - New Genious
Gorillaz - Punk

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Gorillaz:

Gorillaz - 12d3
Gorillaz - Faust
Gorillaz - Ghost Train
Gorillaz - Hip Albatross
Gorillaz - Rock It

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