Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 100 stupňů > On The Wave

Karaoke k písni: On The Wave - 100 stupňů

Text Písně - On The Wave - 100 stupňů Text Písně - On The Wave - 100 stupňů
Překlad Písně - On The Wave - 100 stupňů Překlad Písně - On The Wave - 100 stupňů
Videoklip k Písni - On The Wave - 100 stupňů Videoklip k Písni - On The Wave - 100 stupňů
Karaoke k Písni - On The Wave - 100 stupňů Karaoke k Písni - On The Wave - 100 stupňů

Video ještě nebylo přidáno.

You should be a genious of today
in the same day your idea will go away
even if you wanna repress the bare facts
anyhow you will be destroyed by the rate of progress

times for deep thoughts is now far away
everyone is looking for the fastes way
everybody want to catch it all in one small flash
nobody suspects that it is easy to crash

it's time to stand up
it's time to stand up
we need respect
and don't come back

so we are open
so we are open
that's a fact
not going back

Human kind is simply brave
this generation is trying to keep it safe
I know I know I know life is a sea of raging waves
and this recording represent this massive base

it's time to stand up
it's time to stand up
we need respect
and don't come back

so we are open
so we are open
that's a fact
not going back

You should be a genious of today
in the same day your idea will go away

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