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Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 100 stupňů > Jagger´s Not Dead

Karaoke k písni: Jagger´s Not Dead - 100 stupňů

Text Písně - Jagger´s Not Dead - 100 stupňů Text Písně - Jagger´s Not Dead - 100 stupňů
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Videoklip k Písni - Jagger´s Not Dead - 100 stupňů Videoklip k Písni - Jagger´s Not Dead - 100 stupňů
Karaoke k Písni - Jagger´s Not Dead - 100 stupňů Karaoke k Písni - Jagger´s Not Dead - 100 stupňů

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He was born with the biggest mouth bigger than America
America, the crazy face
he was born in the country of boundless possibilities
such a crazy place
he became a rebel in body and his soul
in his soul, and for his points of view
now he is not on drugs anymore like before, he is healthy like a stone
he the rolling stone yeah

Jagger's not dead, Jagger's not dead
Jagger's not dead, Jagger's not dead

you wanna be famous, you wanna be known
you wanna be idol, you never wanna be alone

His songs are played up to the present day on the radio
Radio, such immortal truths
his personage was celebrate in all streets of America
America, he is so idolized

be famous in America
in age of publicity
rivals are ready
they don't say sorry

be famous in America
each day some critique
envious true story
but you don't have to worry

Jagger's not dead, Jagger's not dead
Jagger's not dead, Jagger's not dead

you wanna be famous, you wanna be known
you wanna be idol, you never wanna be alone

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