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Karaoke k písni: The Dead - King Diamond

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Heaven...or Hell
Heaven...or Hell

Where are we now?
What is this place?
Don't you remember little brother?
We died...we're dead
But what are they gonna do to me?
Am I going to Hell?
I don't know, but that's what THEY say
I will try to find you another soul

Listen...Do you hear that organ play?
I must go where the organ plays
I must go but I can never stay...
Now to this house I go

Don't let anyone see your bloody dress

Další písničky hudební skupiny King Diamond:

King Diamond - Never Ending Hill
King Diamond - Is Anybody Here?
King Diamond - Black Of Night
King Diamond - Mirror, Mirror
King Diamond - The Cellar

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny King Diamond:

King Diamond - The Family Ghost
King Diamond - The Candle
King Diamond - The 7th Day Of July 1777
King Diamond - Shrine
King Diamond - Omens

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