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Karaoke k písni: World Of Chances - Demi Lovato

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Karaoke k Písni - World Of Chances - Demi Lovato Karaoke k Písni - World Of Chances - Demi Lovato

You've got a face for a smile, you know
A shame you waste it
When you're breaking me slowly but Ive

Got a world of chances, for you
I've got a world of chances, for you
I've got a world of chances
Chances that you're burning through.

I've got a paper and pen
I go to write a goodbye
And thats when I know I've

Got a world of chances, for you
I've got a world of chances, for you
I've got a world of chances
Chances that you're burning through

Ohhhhhh I'm going my own way
My faith has lost its strength again
And Ohhhhhh It's been too hard to say
We're falling off the edge again

We're ??? (loosing it?)
We're ??? (loosing it?)

Maybe you'll call me someday
Here the operator say the numbers no good
And that she had

A world of chances, for you
She had a world of chances, for you
She had a world of chances
Chances you were burning through
Chances you were burning through
Chances you were burning through Ohhh

You've got a face for a smile, you know

Další písničky hudební skupiny Demi Lovato:

Demi Lovato - Everything You're Not
Demi Lovato - So Far So Great
Demi Lovato - Demi Lovato - Here We Go Again =D
Demi Lovato - This Is Me
Demi Lovato - This Is Me!!!!!!!!!!!

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Demi Lovato:

Demi Lovato - This Is Me
Demi Lovato - Get Back
Demi Lovato - Two Worlds Collide
Demi Lovato - La La Land
Demi Lovato - Don´t Forget

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