Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > M > Moby > Whispering Wind

Karaoke k písni: Whispering Wind - Moby

Text Písně - Whispering Wind - Moby Text Písně - Whispering Wind - Moby
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Videoklip k Písni - Whispering Wind - Moby Videoklip k Písni - Whispering Wind - Moby
Karaoke k Písni - Whispering Wind - Moby Karaoke k Písni - Whispering Wind - Moby

Like the whispering wind you sent to me
like the hopeless time you gave to me
i watched your dreams all slip away
i watched your dreams all slip away
there's a hopeless place inside my heart
when i look inside i see where we are
like the whispering wind in the top of the trees
i will watch the sky come following me
like the rain on my windows late every night
like the hope i have for us every time
it's like the whispering wind in the top of the trees
i see it sway as you come for me

there's a whispering wind i feel it inside
like a place i can feel but never will see
let a whisper come touch you come touch every thing
i stand in the way of the things i can be
let the whispering wind come lift us away
let it push us apart if we wish to stay
you're my sweetness my baby my love for all time
like the whispering wind it makes you all mine
like the whispering wind you stand here with me
like the whispering wind you stand here with me
i see your dreams all slip away
slip away
slip away

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Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad

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