Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > M > Moby > Into The Blue

Karaoke k písni: Into The Blue - Moby

Text Písně - Into The Blue - Moby Text Písně - Into The Blue - Moby
Překlad Písně - Into The Blue - Moby Překlad Písně - Into The Blue - Moby
Videoklip k Písni - Into The Blue - Moby Videoklip k Písni - Into The Blue - Moby
Karaoke k Písni - Into The Blue - Moby Karaoke k Písni - Into The Blue - Moby

All alone, I open my eyes

Wild ride
Hold your fire
I'm not about to die
Keep back
Let in some air I dare lie down
To stare at the sky
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
Flat mark
High tide
Frantic to stay afloat
Stay calm
Let in some air I dare lie down
To stare at the sky
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
(From above)
I am so small
So fast
I move I move
The light the light
Here comes the tide
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
I am wide open
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
With water surrounding me
I am wide open
Reaching forever
And I fly into the blue
Into the blue
I am wide open
I am wide open
Reaching forever
Reaching forever
I fly
I fly into the blue
I am wide open
I am wide open
Reaching forever
Reaching forever
I fly into the blue
Into the blue
I am wide open
I am wide open
Reaching forever

Další písničky hudební skupiny Moby:

Moby - When It's Cold I'd Like To Die
Moby - Raining Again
Moby - Beautiful
Moby - Lift Me UP
Moby - Where You End

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Moby:

Moby - Flower
Moby - Extreme Ways
Moby - Porcelain
Moby - Natural Blues
Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad

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