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Karaoke k písni: Dead To Me - Biohazard

Text Písně - Dead To Me - Biohazard Text Písně - Dead To Me - Biohazard
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You hate me and I hate you back
But there's a difference between you and me
Ignorance and fear pervade your small mind
You forfeit your right to live in peace
I want you to know that I will never rest
For a signle moment of your miserable life
Surgically I cut you from my world
You are my cancer and I am the knife
I cut you off, forever and a day
Never again will I look your way
You beg for mercy on your knees
No remorse, you're dead to me
You're dead to me, you're fucking dead to me
I gave you light to live in my world
But one last time you pushed too far
You selfish motherfucker, now the damage is done
You can never turn back from all out war
You can lock me down, but I hold the key
Cuz there's nothing in this world that can ever break me
Heart and mind strong, I forever stay free
My last words to you, you're dead to me
I watch you stumble
I hear you fall in the dark
Try as you may, you just can't see you're too blind
Trapped in the mirror of your dark soul
You fall again, this time from grace...
You land alone

Další písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - Hallowed Ground
Biohazard - Slam (Remix)
Biohazard - Judgement Night
Biohazard - Sellout
Biohazard - Uncivilization

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - World On Fire
Biohazard - Never Forgive, Never Forget
Biohazard - Kill Or Be Killed
Biohazard - Heads Kicked In
Biohazard - Beaten Senseless

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