Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 100 stupňů > One In A Million

Karaoke k písni: One In A Million - 100 stupňů

Text Písně - One In A Million - 100 stupňů Text Písně - One In A Million - 100 stupňů
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Videoklip k Písni - One In A Million - 100 stupňů Videoklip k Písni - One In A Million - 100 stupňů
Karaoke k Písni - One In A Million - 100 stupňů Karaoke k Písni - One In A Million - 100 stupňů

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Ready on, ready on, one in a million girl
ready on, ready on, one in a million
before long little fond, I'll taste one magical pill
I don't want to event count, how many times I've been that ill

ready on, ready on, one in a million girl
ready on ready on, feel on my back some sweet chill

what we ever suffer, makes our tomorrows
days of our future, filled with faith and force
running straight ahead now, there's no fear of course
please stop asking why, because there's not a cause

ready on, ready on, one in a million girl
ready on ready on, don't care about things they're gone

what we ever suffer, makes our tomorrows
days of our future, filled with faith and force
million, million, number of chances and costs
million million, it's not a matter of costs

running straight ahead now, there's no fear of course
please stop asking why, because there's not a cause

ready on, ready on, one in a million girl
ready on ready on, feel on my back some [sweet] chill
ready on, ready on, one in a million girl
ready on ready on, don't care about things they're gone

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