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Karaoke k písni: End Of My Rope - Biohazard

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Where to run to, where to hide, much to full to swalllow my pride
But I'm still haunted by something inside as if another part of me
has died.

Paralyzed, I close my eyes, the pain inside surrounds me.
Petrified, life fades away, at the end of my rope I'm waiting.

Sometimes I feel like I'm all alone, empty inside, out of control.
My heart a void, my empty soul, until it's filled I'll never be whole.
How did things ever get so bad, sinking empty, full of despair
I find myself alone and scared, in a world where nobody cares.

A hopeless end, afraid deep inside
Relief from my pain, the end a suicide?
The tears I've cried have left me blind
I yearb to find peace, a presence of mind.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - All For None
Biohazard - Breakdown
Biohazard - Inner Fear On
Biohazard - Abandon In Place
Biohazard - Skin

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - World On Fire
Biohazard - Never Forgive, Never Forget
Biohazard - Kill Or Be Killed
Biohazard - Heads Kicked In
Biohazard - Beaten Senseless

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