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Karaoke k písni: Disease - Biohazard

Text Písně - Disease - Biohazard Text Písně - Disease - Biohazard
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Videoklip k Písni - Disease - Biohazard Videoklip k Písni - Disease - Biohazard
Karaoke k Písni - Disease - Biohazard Karaoke k Písni - Disease - Biohazard

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I found a way out, a solution inside
From the things that are bathering me
It's been too long since I felt htis way
From your sad life I broke free
Don't ever think that you ripped me apart
And walked away with a price
Cause you can not penetrate my cold heart
ANd fill it with your disease

I wonder now how I lived before
Deaf, dumb, dead and blind
I moved my life forward and I'm never goin' back
And I've left you far behind
There's a lot of things that I've now realized
From the way that you treated me
It's bullshit and it's hatred you epitomized
You were blessed to have been with me


You filled my life with your disease
I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees
Disease is flowing through my veins
I'd rather die right now than live in pain


Looking around at the past and the present
Things are so much better now
Your misery wanted my company
But you can't keep a good man down
Whatever made me want to be with you
Is something I can't understand
Cuz if I never saw your fucking face again
I'd die a happy man

[Chorus 2x]

Další písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - Urban Discipline
Biohazard - Loss
Biohazard - Wrong Side Of The Tracks
Biohazard - Mistaken Identity
Biohazard - We're Only Gonna Die (From Our Own Arrogance)

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - World On Fire
Biohazard - Never Forgive, Never Forget
Biohazard - Kill Or Be Killed
Biohazard - Heads Kicked In
Biohazard - Beaten Senseless

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